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St Wilfrids Hall


SW Hall Refurbishment (autumn 2014)



An open afternoon was held on Saturday, November 15 following completion of a £30,000 renovation scheme at St Wilfrid’s Hall. 

The renovations at the hall will provide improved facilities for the church and the Gilstead and wider community. 

Hall users and others have been invited to the open afternoon – from 2 pm – to have a look at what has been done at the hall since the end of July.


St Wilfrid’s Church received a grant of almost £27,000 from Wren (Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd) to enable the work to go ahead, the remainder of the cost being funded by the church. 

The renovation on the hall, originally a World One Nissan Hut, includes a new kitchen, insulation of walls and ceiling – by means of a false ceiling – lighting, doors, windows, signage and blinds.Parish treasurer Ken Duckworth said: “I think we should emphasise that this will be a significant improvement not only for users of the hall, but also as an energy saving exercise because we had a huge problem in the past with loss of heat.”

The church hall is the only community building in the village and is used extensively by local organisations, including Gilstead Village Society, table tennis teams, a mother and toddlers group, Pilates class, boxercise class, craft class, Gilstead Ladies group, a local big band and also as a polling station.


Penny Beaumont, grant manager for Wren, said: “The £26,984 funding for the Gilstead St Wilfrid community hall, which has been awarded by Wren, will create a real hub for the local community to come together.  “FCC, the donor organisation, is all about helping people to improve their communities in a sustainable way and this facility is a great example. “We hope many people in Bingley and Gilstead will enjoy it for years to come.” 


The work was done by local contractors, including Eldwick Joinery, C F Jones decorators and M T Electrical and we thank members of the parish, especially Alan Glave, Ken Duckworth, Avis Jones and others, who organised and directed the work, cleared the hall in preparation for the work to start and then out everything back together again.



To hire this space please contact Rosemary on 07961 650025



Holy Trinity


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07702 989781


Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Place, Bingley & St Wilfrid Church, Gilstead Lane, Gilstead

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